
AI Adoption in Business

AI will transform the way businesses work- master it before it masters you! This certificate course has been designed for experienced business professionals who aspire to upskill themselves in leveraging AI in business and further advance their careers. The program’s core objective is to train participants on the role of AI in driving business growth. The course focuses on the adoption of AI in business, highlighting key opportunities and the associated challenges. Additionally, it discusses ways to mitigate AI adoption-related challenges to fully leverage AI in business and create superior business value for all the stakeholders.

Key Highlights

Cutting-edge programs for thought leadership
Personalised to meet your organisation's needs


Designed by industry practitioners and eminent academicians
Case-led pedagogy


Future-ready perspectives for business excellence
Transformative AI-led use cases


New-age modular curriculum
Hybrid and flexible delivery for an immersive learning experience


Mentorship for leadership development Developing talent for change

Program Details
  • Program Duration: 3 months
  • Modes: Live Online | 2 days campus immersion offered
  • Pedagogy:
    The program will be conducted in an experience-sharing mode, utilising real-time industry scenarios, group discussions, participant presentations, and individual and group assignments. 
  • Mentoring : To help participants develop a growth-oriented mindset and advance in their careers, the program includes mentoring sessions conducted by:
    • Program Faculty 
    • Reputed industry CXOs 
Who is this program for?
  • Business professionals: Seeking to enhance their understanding of AI-driven digital transformation for business growth
  • Functional area specialists: Professionals in sales, marketing, HR, and supply chain management looking to adopt AI in their respective fields
  • Executives at all levels: Desiring practical, hands-on training on AI-driven analytics platforms
  • Career growth aspirants: Business professionals aiming to upskill in the AI age with essential digital skills for career advancement


  • Historical perspective of major disruptions (Industry 1.0 to 4.0)
  • Understanding major business disruptors and managing complexity, turbulence, and fluidity
  • Exploring Industry 5.0 and the transition from Industry 4.0
  • Concept and pillars of digital transformation
  • Digital transformation in various business functions
  • Connected experiences and building experience-led digital designs
  • Understanding artificial neural networks
  • Deep learning and machine learning
  • Fundamentals of generative AI and large language models
  • Leveraging AI for business use cases. 
  • Industry 4.0/5.0 and AI adoption
  • Enablers and barriers of AI adoption in specific functional areas
  • Benefits of AI adoption in business, including automation and data-driven decision making
  • AI in Sales & Marketing
  • AI in HRM
  • AI in Supply Chain Management
  • Adaptive learning systems for personalised learning
  • Concept of digital culture
  • Human-machine collaboration (automation and augmentation)
  • Augmented intelligence in business ecosystems. 
  • Fundamentals and stages of business analytics
  • Data-driven decision making
  • Basic hands-on training on business analytics platform e.g. KNIME popularly used across the industry
  • Concept of Humanized AI
  • AI adoption challenges (Algorithmic bias, algorithmic distribution, employee privacy, public scrutiny etc.)
  • Societal issues on AI adoption and mitigation of these challenges
  • Developing well rounded ethical guidelines   

Learning Outcomes

The course aims to equip industry professionals with an understanding of the following concepts in the age of AI: 

  • Understanding the changing business landscape, including a historical perspective of innovation. 
  • Critically examining business disruptions and exploring the transition from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0. 
  • Fundamentals of digital transformation, including its core pillars: digitalisation, digitisation, and organisational resilience. 
  • Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence, neural networks, and recent developments in Generative AI models essential for business managers to understand. 
  • Design thinking in the context of digital design and connected experiences (employees, customers, and partners). 
  • Detailed understanding of various use cases of Artificial Intelligence deployment in business ecosystems (Sales & Marketing, Product Management, Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Supply Chain Management, etc.). 
  • AI adoption in business: Benefits of AI-led automation, human-AI collaboration, challenges of using AI, and mitigation strategies to address these challenges. 
  • Fundamentals of Business Analytics and hands-on training on a popular AI-driven business analytics platform (create, configure, and execute workflows for various business use cases). 
  • Promoting humanised, inclusive, and ethical AI: understanding algorithmic distribution, algorithmic bias, technology-induced anxiety, and strategies to handle selective deskilling. 


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