

The ‘Credit System’ is followed for all courses offered through distance education mode. The credit system is a systematic way of describing an educational program by allotting specific time to a particular subject. Each credit amounts to 30 hours of learning activities i.e., reading and comprehending the printed study material, attending counseling sessions, preparing assignments etc.

As per guidelines there are min and max period to compete each program

  • Min period to complete a Under Graduate program is 3 years and max 5 years
  • Min period to complete a Post Graduate program is 2 years and max 4 years

Short term skilling programs are not specifically approved by UGC. However, the same is it to be approved by Internal Statutory Body of the University. Please check the regulation of UGC on the same : https://www.ugc.ac.in/faq.aspx (please check for recognition of Diploma or Certificates)

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